Terzo appuntamento con gli webinars organizzati dal corso magistrale di ingegneria nucleare dell’Università di Pisa all’interno del Progetto ENEN++

Il prossimo appuntamento con NINE, Nuclear and INdustrial Engineering. Il prossimo Venerdì 24 Febbraio 2023 alle 15:00 ora italiana con collegamento MSTeams a questo link. Alessandro Petruzzi presenterà le attività di R&D.



Ecco la locandina:


Qualcosa sul relatore:

Alessandro Petruzzi is the President of NINE and current Head of the Plant Thermal-Hydraulics Area devoted to safety analysis and licensing of NPP.

Prior to join NINE, he worked over 9 years in the Nuclear Research Group of San Piero a Grado (GRNSPG) and he spent the year 2004 working as an intern-assistant in the Pennsylvania State University (USA).

He got his PhD Degree in “Nuclear and Industrial Safety” Course of the “Leonardo da Vinci” Doctoral Engineering School in 2008, discussing the thesis titled “Development and Application of Methodologies for Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Evaluation of the Results of the Best Estimate System Codes applied in Nuclear Technology”.

The methods for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis applied to thermal-hydraulics system codes constitute his main interest as well as the assessment of computer codes and the development of sensitivity and uncertainty methods.

He was involved in several activities connected with safety and licensing process, including the preparation of Chapter 15 of Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of Atucha-2 NPP (Argentina), Hanhikivi-1 NPP (Finland) , the support to the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) Step-3 and 4 for the HPR-1000; the participation as expert to the Generic Reactor Safety Review (GRSR) service organized by IAEA for several NPP design (more than 10 different NPP).

He is the founder and director of the NINE Multi-Level Training Program which includes several courses organized each year and devoted to Scaling, Uncertainty and 3D COuPled Code Calculation, Models and Methods for Advanced Reactor Safety Analysis, Nuclear Reactor Safety Hand-On Training. He was involved also as expert in the Safety Assessment Education and Training (SAET) Programme of IAEA which has been designed to support IAEA Member States with development of required safety assessment capacity and competency.

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