Secondo appuntamento con gli webinars organizzati dal corso magistrale di ingegneria nucleare dell’Università di Pisa all’interno del Progetto ENEN++

Il prossimo appuntamento con European Nuclear Society – Young Generation e Women in Nuclear global. Il prossimo Venerdì 17 Febbraio 2023 alle 15:00 ora italiana con collegamento MSTeams a questo link. Jadwiga Nadjer and Patricia Schindler terranno un intervento dal titolo Climate science, solutions and actions: nuclear technologies in support of UN Sustainable Development Goals.



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Qualcosa sui relatori:

Jadwiga Najder is a nuclear engineer supporting a design of a NPP. As a Youth Community leader, I am also working to boost the participation of young people in the nuclear space. Passionately educating about solutions to climate change, for several years, I prepare youth and NGOs’ representatives to represent nuclear at UNFCCC COP conferences. She worked as Nuclear Engineer at Oakridge SAS, France and has been Intern Engineer at CEA, Service d’étude des réacteurs et de mathématiques appliquées, Saclay, France.

Patricia Schindler worked for 35 years at the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). Graduated with a master’s degree in engineering (1985), specializing in metallurgy, she spent 5 years in a laboratory of metallurgical expertise, then turned to project management in the nuclear field. She has thus worked with multidisciplinary teams at the national and international level. She began her career in the field of sodium chemistry within FBR (Fast Breeder Reactors), before moving on to study projects concerning the PWR (Pressure Water Reactor) sector. As R&D project manager, she successively led various projects concerning the evolution of chemistry on the primary or secondary side of PWRs. These projects have led her to study, design and monitor the implementation of test facilities, combining the technique of nuclear measurements. These fields involving high temperatures and high pressures, she thus obtained in 2007 the title of expert in ThermoHydraulics in a chemical environment.
She has been actively involved since 2012 in the network “Women in Nuclear (WiN)”, as well as in various regional initiatives to promote gender equality in science and technology in order to also increase the participation of women in the nuclear sector. She joined the WiN Global Steering Committee in 2020 when she became secretary. She currently also acts as vice-president of WiN France, and leader of WiN Europe

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