PIME 2019 – Il 12 e 13 giugno, a Parigi, la rassegna annuale dedicata alla comunicazione nel settore nucleare

Di seguito il testo di presentazione della manifestazione, per saperne di più CLICCA QUI

PIME is THE annual gathering point for nuclear communication professionals & public affairs executives from around the world.

Situation: Nuclear energy is clearly part of the solution to fight climate change. However, in some countries it still seems difficult to communicate that. Indeed, plans for carbon neutral cities of the future, frequently barely even mention the word “nuclear”.

What can we do to change that? How can we not only put nuclear back on the map but also make it desirable and relevant? How can we showcase its innovative aspects making it clear that nuclear is part of a green future? How can nuclear be part of the green wellness and smart transformation movements? These are some of the questions that we will be asking the participants at this event to tackle.

What’s different about PIME this year? The event will be far more participant-led than events in the previous years. We seek to help inspire them to make a paradigm shift and have hope for the future of nuclear and their ability to communicate that. Together, we will begin to design a bold vision for the future of nuclear, and a bold vision for communicating it both internally and externally.

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