Pathways to 2050: the role of nuclear in a low-carbon Europe

nucleareurope published today the updated study “Pathways to 2050: the role of nuclear in a low-carbon Europe” which was commissioned from Compass Lexecon (first versions date 2018 and 2021).

The 2050 Pathways study analyses the potential contribution of nuclear generation towards the decarbonisation of the European electricity system in different scenarios regarding nuclear installed capacity, with a specific focus on the timing and extent of nuclear plants phase-out, lifetime extensions, and new build.

The different scenarios regarding nuclear installed capacity are simulated in Compass Lexecon pan-European power market dispatch model from which several relevant financial and physical indicators are derived to assess the potential contribution of nuclear generation.

Attached a presentation which summarises the main takeaways of the report, and in this link the summary report and the full report.

A webinar will be organised to present the contents of the study in early November (date still to be determined). Stay tuned for the information and please do join us on-line on that occasion.